You’re Invited! AGCO-LCBO Education on Alcohol Sales

June 17th Information Session 2:00 pm The AGCO and the LCBO are collaborating to offer joint information sessions to convenience stores and grocery store owners who are interested in selling beer, wine, cider, and other low-alcohol ready-to-drink beverages. The information sessions will cover eligibility requirements, the application process, legal requirements and the end-to-end journey to […]
Mark Your Calendar – Get Licensed to Sell Alcohol

Exciting news for convenience stores in Ontario! Starting September 5, 2024, you will have the opportunity to sell beer, wine, ciders, and ready-to-drink products. This new opportunity promises to enhance your store’s offerings and attract more customers. Applications for the necessary licenses open on June 17, 2024. To apply, visit the Alcohol and Gaming Commission […]
Convenience Stores to Sell Beer-Wine-Ciders September 5, 2024

With the announcement today from Premier Ford that convenience stores will be able to sell beer, wine, cider, coolers and ready to drink products as of September 5, 2024, there is a LOT of information that you need to know. The OCSA has been working diligently with the AGCO, LCBO, Ministry of Finance, as well […]
Kenny Shim Meets with Premier Ford

Kenny Shim, president of the OCSA and the Ontario Korean Business Association was invited to meet with Premier Ford to discuss a number of small business matters. Kenny and the Ontario Convenience Stores Association is very appreciative of the Ford government for bringing beer and wine to convenience stores. The OCSA has been working with […]
Beer Coming to Convenience Stores in Ontario!

It’s official! The Ontario government has announced that convenience stores and grocery stores will be able to sell beer, wine and ready-to-drink products. Kenny Shim, President of the OCSA and OKBA was invited to attend the announcement this morning. The expanded marketplace will give people more choice, convenience and time, Ford said. The changes will […]
Ontario Preparing for an Open Beverage Alcohol Market

Since 1923 beer sales have been controlled by The Beer Store in Ontario and this has been blessed, renewed and authorized by successive governments. The OCSA has been working with the current Ontario government to open the market to allow beer sales in convenience stores as we see throughout North America, Quebec and Newfoundland. The […]
Premier Ford Commits to Beer in Convenience Stores

Leading up to the Victoria Day long weekend, on Monday, Premier Ford was asked by a reporter if he was going to walk away from his 5 year promise to consumers to modernize beer sales in Ontario in Convenience Stores. The Premier, in a video clip once again stated he is committed to having beer […]
Unfairness of LCBO to the 400 Convenience Outlets in Ontario

The OCSA has reached out to the LCBO to discuss the partnership with the 400-family run LCO stores located in mainly rural Ontario locations responsibly selling a limited supply of alcoholic products to customers in these communities. We recommend that all Convenience Outlet owners contact their new elected local MPP’s to ask them for assistance […]
Opening Up Beer Retail Sales

Convenience store retailers and the OCSA need to encourage the Ford administration to begin working on a transition to bring beer into all convenience stores as promised to consumers and retailer over 4 years ago. The OCSA has been working alongside the Craft Brewers association to bring this file forward and need all convenience store […]
LCBO Convenience Agency Store Issues

The LCBO, for all intents and purposes, is a hierarchy that has not demonstrated an interest in the issues affecting their rural retail family-run partners. Since most retailers are nervous with the possibility of retribution, they are unwilling to voice their concerns. The OCSA has met with a few LCBO Convenience Store operators and unfortunately […]