PUDO Seeks Convenience Store Partnerships

Cashier accepts parcel

Convenience store operators of PUDOpoint locations are enjoying high return on investment for joining the PUDO parcel pick-up and return Network, on no capital investment. “It is gratifying to know that our PUDOpoint partners are benefitting tangibly from membership, “ says PUDO CEO Kurtis Arnold. “Convenience stores, particularly independent and family-run stores not affiliated with […]

OCSA Welcomes JUUL to Canada

August 30, 2018 The Ontario Convenience Stores Association is pleased to welcome JUUL Labs as its newest associate member. JUUL Labs is a technology company dedicated to eliminating cigarettes by offering existing adult smokers an alternative to combustible cigarettes. Their product, JUUL, is a closed-pod nicotine vaping system, which will be available for purchase in […]